Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ouch, shots!

This morning Genevieve went in to get the rest of her 4 month shots. She was having a great time at the doctors office until the needles made an appearance. She was a little upset with the nurse and I, but seemed to forgive us fairly quickly.

Vieve weighed in at 12 lbs. and 10.5 ozs. today - 10th percentile for her age. She has always been tall and skinny, but that seems really low to me. The nurse said not to worry because she is otherwise healthy and happy and that there are so many "obese" babies out there these days that are factored into the percentiles. So, we will be keeping a close eye on her weight to make sure she doesn't drop any more. Thinking that this may be the right time to start solids - yikes!

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