Friday, August 28, 2009

Music Lunch and Cousin Mike

Okay, so I haven't updated this in a while. About two weeks ago, Vieve and I went to a music lunch put on by the city. There were lots of other babies and kids there listening to the man playing the trumpet and splashing in the play fountain. Vieve seemed to really enjoy the music and listened attentively to the trumpet backed up by a band on a CD (yikes!). I held her up so she could dance and she bounced right along to the music. I think we need to add some more jazz to our music selections at home!

Also very exciting - Vieve got to meet her cousin Mike who was visiting from Connecticut. He is Jeff's first cousin. We hope to see him again sometime this winter - Jeff and I love to go skiing with him.

New Best Friend

Almost two weeks ago we went to a playdate at Cooper's house and had a great afternoon. We also briefly met Austin, who is 3 weeks younger than Vieve, and his mom - we hope to see a more of them in the near future. Cooper and Vieve went on a nice long walk around some ponds - actually they slept through most of it while Danielle and I did the walking. Vieve was very interested in Cooper and even reached out and held his hand a couple of times, it was so cute! Mostly though they kind of ignored each other or ended up smacking the other one in the face. They don't know it yet, but they are about to be spending a lot of time together! Can't wait to see you again, Cooper!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Splish, Splash! V's first swim

Papa bought Vieve a baby pool for the back porch about 2 weeks ago. We were shocked to find out that she hated the pool and would scream just looking at it. This was surprising because she loves taking baths and splashing in the sink. It was a real process to get her in the pool without screaming - "we're just sitting next to the pool, nobody is wet, it's okay", "see mama likes to put her feet in the pool, it feels nice", "see? you are fine, only your feet are wet", "isn't splashing your feet fun, just like the bath" - and on and on for 2 weeks. Finally on Saturday we got Vieve to take a dip in the 3 inches of water and hang out for a bit. Once she was in she had a great time! Can't figure out how to get the video right side up, but you get the idea.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Meal

So, we finally started feeding Vieve solids on Saturday. It went surprisingly well. After spending a half an hour to get the high chair set up, the food made, the camera ready, etc. we realized after the first two bites that we had left out a critical piece of the feeding experience - the bib! We won't make that mistake again! She ate some rice cereal mixed with breastmilk and loved it - or maybe she just loved playing with the spoon. If the rice cereal went this well, I bet she will love real food that actually has some taste. We plan on starting bananas and avocados next week. Welcome to the wonderful world of food, Vieve!

Too many new toys...

Vieve and I have been toy shopping a lot lately. We have gotten so many good deals at various sales. We are now resigned to the fact that we live in Vieve's house that is filled mostly with her things. Her most favorite new items (this week) are a dragon which is about the same size as her and a little piano toy that lights up while playing music and makes animal sounds.

Baby toes taste good!

Vieve has been playing with her feet for a while now, but lately it seems like she has her toes in her mouth all the time. It is making diaper changes very challenging - it's like her legs are spring loaded to pop up. She just laughs and laughs when mama and papa try to eat her toes too. Why am I buying new toys when feet are so much fun?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Playing with Papa

Vieve sure does love her Papa! They have so much fun together playing with her toys, petting the kitties, reading books, and singing songs (cowboy songs - HA!). Here are a couple of recent pics of the dynamic duo.