Monday, January 4, 2010

Fall Music Class

This fall Vieve took a music class that was so fun. There were lots of babies there to play with and V really liked going. We sang lots of songs and played lots of instruments like the guitar, drums, tambourines, and various rattles and bells. The best part of class was definitely the bubble time! It was so much fun that we got some bubbles to have bubble play time at home. Hopefully we will get to take another class in the spring.

Vieve with Madelyn (the music teacher) playing guitar. V loved the chicken hat she wore at every class!

Looking a little dazed with bubbles stuck to her head - she always takes good naps after music class!

A walk around the lake

This photo is from one of our many walks around a lake here in town. It is one of our favorite places to go when the weather is nice. Vieve relaxes and cruises in the stroller while mama gets a little workout - fun for all! Sometimes we are joined by our baby friends and their mamas for a fun outdoor playdate. Hopefully this spring and summer we will get to take advantage of the playground area a little more. Can't wait til the weather warms up and we can get back out there.

Fall Swimming Class

Earlier this fall, Vieve took a swimming class at the rec. center here in town. She had a blast! I was surprised at how well she took to the pool and liked it. We even went down the water slide once. She went under the water a couple of times and played lots of games with the other babies in the class. Thanks to a great Christmas present from Auntie Melissa we will be taking another swim class this spring. Thanks Auntie M! Maybe this time around her swimsuit will fit a little better ;)

Vieve and her friend Wyatt splashing around.

V and Mama in the pool.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sick day :(

Little miss Vieve has survived her first illness. Monday, she was throwing up but had no fever or other symptoms. Poor little thing was sick all afternoon/evening. She got puke on everything, as you can see by the outfit in the picture. By Monday night it was the only long sleeves/pants combination that was still clean. She also ended up with her first case of diaper rash ever. She is feeling much better now and is ready to resume her activities and playdates!

A day in the city with Auntie Sarah

Last Saturday, we spent the whole day in Denver hanging out with Auntie Sarah. We had so much fun. First, we went to the Denver Art Museum where we covered 2 whole floors. Predictably, Vieve was far more interested in the people there than the art. The only exceptions were the exhibit of a red room filled with grey foxes and the African drum noises play area. After that we went out and had breakfast for lunch while Vieve ate sweet potatoes. This was the first time we have attempted to feed Vieve in a restaurant. We spent the rest of the afternoon at a paint-your-own ceramics place where Vieve and I collaborated on a 1st Halloween Jack-o-lantern. It was a great day!

Hanging out with Auntie Sarah in Denver.

First lunch in a restaurant. Yum, yum!

Not so sure about the paint on her foot. She has already mastered that skeptical, you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look. Is it just me, or does she look just like her papa ;)

The bottom of our Jack-o-lantern. Hope it turns out well!!

More foods!

Okay, so eventually I will stop posting pictures of Vieve eating various foods - but not yet. We have started using the teething feeder with the mesh bag and putting frozen banana slices in it. She LOVES it! Unfortunately, it is the messiest thing in the world! We always seem to end up with sticky banana goo everywhere. Some other new foods we have tried recently are prunes and yogurt - though nothing compares to sweet potatoes and bananas!

Prunes! She loved the first 5 bites and then decided she didn't like them anymore. This pic is after the 4th bite. Now that I look at this, not sure she actually got any of the first couple of bites in her mouth...

Working hard to make sticky banana goo!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vieve the plumber?

Okay, someday Vieve will be mad at me for posting this, but I couldn't resist. The little plumber pants action is just too funny!