Monday, January 4, 2010

Fall Music Class

This fall Vieve took a music class that was so fun. There were lots of babies there to play with and V really liked going. We sang lots of songs and played lots of instruments like the guitar, drums, tambourines, and various rattles and bells. The best part of class was definitely the bubble time! It was so much fun that we got some bubbles to have bubble play time at home. Hopefully we will get to take another class in the spring.

Vieve with Madelyn (the music teacher) playing guitar. V loved the chicken hat she wore at every class!

Looking a little dazed with bubbles stuck to her head - she always takes good naps after music class!

A walk around the lake

This photo is from one of our many walks around a lake here in town. It is one of our favorite places to go when the weather is nice. Vieve relaxes and cruises in the stroller while mama gets a little workout - fun for all! Sometimes we are joined by our baby friends and their mamas for a fun outdoor playdate. Hopefully this spring and summer we will get to take advantage of the playground area a little more. Can't wait til the weather warms up and we can get back out there.

Fall Swimming Class

Earlier this fall, Vieve took a swimming class at the rec. center here in town. She had a blast! I was surprised at how well she took to the pool and liked it. We even went down the water slide once. She went under the water a couple of times and played lots of games with the other babies in the class. Thanks to a great Christmas present from Auntie Melissa we will be taking another swim class this spring. Thanks Auntie M! Maybe this time around her swimsuit will fit a little better ;)

Vieve and her friend Wyatt splashing around.

V and Mama in the pool.