Friday, July 31, 2009

Making new friends

Okay, so these friends have been here all along, but Vieve is just now becoming really interested in our 3 kitties - Sophie, Max, and Stanley. She watches excitedly as they walk by and tries to engage them in conversation. She has, too many times already, reached out to pet them and ended up with a large clump of fur in her hands. They just put up with it for a while and then walk away - they are such good sports! We are not sure what they are going to do once she can chase them ;). A couple of times she has tried to eat one of them - maybe it is time to start solids already! This pic is of Vieve and our two favorite guys, Papa and Stanley.

1 comment:

  1. You chose a wonderful name for your daughter!! I know this because its my name too. Its nice to see someone else using the nic-name Vieve rather than Gen.
