Friday, July 17, 2009

Does life get better than this??

We have had a really fun day so far. This morning, Vieve and I had singing/story time and then she took a bath. My friend Jodie came over to hang out and we walked down to the coffeshop for carrot cake and iced drinks. Very soon after Jodie left V took a nap and I was able to practice my Tai Chi. I am very excited about returning to Tai Chi class this Sunday, hopefully Vieve will appreciate having a more balanced and in-shape mommy.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new baby pool for the back porch! This was a surprise present from Papa - yay, Papa!! So, look forward to some cutesie bathing suit pics (she even has a matching sun hat!) in the very near future.

This warm and fuzzy day leaves me wondering...does life get better than this??

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